Five Pillars Free Clinic Inc.’s founders have a wide range of experience in the Healthcare field.

Sabir Khan
Sabir Khan’s Pharmacy practice in Upstate New York spanned a period of over 30 years in which he operated 3 pharmacies. While running his business he was actively involved with the Islamic Center of Rochester (ICR), a Non Profit in which he was Treasurer and Administrator for over 15 years. He was dedicated to streamlining all the operations including establishing processes, writing policies and implementing them. He was also instrumental in fundraising operations and establishing compliance procedures.
Mr. Khan ran all the Financial Operations of the Westfall Academy, a school under the Umbrella of ICR. All the Financial aspects of this job were totally paperless resulting in savings of thousands of dollars in paper and human resources costs. That work is still being done by him despite having moved to Central Florida.
Tajuddun Ahmed
Formal education, specialized training and practical experience have resulted in excellent qualifications as a Board Certified Cardiologist. Tajuddun Ahmed obtained the following areas of expertise through additional assistantships and fellowships:
- Nuclear Cardiology
- Echocardiography
- Non-invasive: Carotid and Peripheral Vascular Studies
- Clinical Cardiology
The following are credited to Dr. Tajuddin:
- Founding member of Islamic Medical Association of North America
- Founder IIIM and Treasurer
- Chairman corporate board of Northwest Suburban College (Non Profit)
In the past 40 years Dr. Tajuddin is responsible for opening up 150 schools through his own Taj Foundation in India.

Mohammed Iqbal
Mohammed Iqbal has been actively involved with the Islamic Center of Orlando, maintaining their IT infrastructure and holds a degree in Information Technology. Mohammed Iqbal is President/CEO of his company and has done work for Fortune 500 companies in Data Management for the last 20 years. Mohammed Iqbal is very actively involved in the community and was a pioneer in starting “Feed the Hungry and Cloth the Needy Program” in the Islamic Center of Orlando. He is a great resource for information technology relating to medical clinics.
Our Vision
Five Pillars Free Clinic Inc. collaborates with volunteers and partnering healthcare providers to provide healthcare to people who are low income and uninsured in Orange County and Osceola County in Florida. The organization is based on the five pillars of Islam which represent the core values of Islam. The Five Pillars consist of: Shahadah: sincerely reciting the Muslim profession of faith. Salat: performing ritual prayers in the proper way five times each day. Zakat: paying an alms (or charity) tax to benefit the poor and the needy. Sawm: fasting during the month of Ramadan. Hajj: pilgrimage to Mecca.

Our Core Values

- Dependability
- Reliability
- Commitment
- Open-mindedness
- Honesty
- Compassion
- Motivation
- Respect
- Education
- Patriotism
- Service to others
- Protecting the Environment